[JUL - 7 1980 PUBLIC. .S $ I *. Ofp, - wr 4 Of, e RESOURCES [pr OF THE pres Site OF THE PRES July 1, 1980 Joshua Lederberg, Ph.D. President The Rockefeller University East 66th Street at York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Enclosed please find a copy of the draft prospectus for the Drug and Vaccine Development Corporation. We are scheduling a meeting of the DVDC Advisory Board for August 11 to discuss the prospectus and the next steps for implementation of the DVDC. Although I “a understand that you will be out of town on that date, I would be most grateful if you could read the draft prospectus sometime in the next month and communicate your comments to me. Your perspec- tive and insight, even if in absentia, would be most valuable to other members of the Advisory Board. Thank you in advance for your assistance, and I look forward to receiving your comments. Sincerely, Va ete, Qs JL M. Susan Ueber /fRaymond, Ph.D. Director, Pharmaceutical Programs SUR/aa 680 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10019 = (212) 397-0085