Um, (JAN2 1980 ~ OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR STATE OF lative Butch res WASHINGTON Legislative Building, Olympia, Washington 98504 Dixy Lee Ray Governor December 27, 1979 Mr. Joshua Lederberg, President The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 Dear Mr. Lederberg: Thank you for your recent letter responding to the reopening of the low- level commercial radioactive waste burial site at Hanford. I have taken two steps in addition to requiring more vigorous enforcement actions. I have contacted Washington's Congressional Delegation asking that either legislation be prepared to authorize the disposal of certain classes of radioactive waste within the states that generate them, or to create additional regional radioactive waste disposal sites. Such legislation has been introduced by Congressman McCormack to authorize 12 regional sites. This would ease the burden for disposal currently on the state of Washington. I have asked, and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has agreed, to expand an existing contract with Washington's Radiation Control Program providing for our own closer surveillance of shipments of waste which will be arriving at the disposal site at Hanford. Your thoughts are appreciated and thank you again for taking the time to write. Dixy Lee Ray Governor Kip) wy,