NB uy Y The 5[ Rockefeller = THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY . University /< 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 Oy ys SS November 19, 1979 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. Dixy Lee Ray Governor State of Washington Office of Government Legislative Building Olympia, Washington 98501 Dear Dixy Lee: I was deeply gratified to read this morning of your action in reopening the low level radioisotope waste facilities in the state of Washington. It is hardly necessary for me to convey how dependent the progress of medical research and important medical applications of radioisotopes have been on an orderly pro- cess for the disposal of these materials. I am sure that the new regulations with respect to the packaging and over- sight of the shipments will alleviate any anxiety that may have been raised by a generalized and sometimes undiscrim- inating public reaction about their hazards. And, of course, it really is incumbent on all of us to seek methods of hand- ling these materials that do not seem to put an unfair bur- den on any particular community, even though the benefits of research with radioisotopes embrace the citizens of Washington no less than any other part of the world. With best personal regards. Yours\ sincerely, sok eR ua Lederberg y bee: RWN RSY DJL ther Open Oo RU pee