MAR 3 1979 HARVARD UNIVERSITY & Of SCE oF Tye PRESS THE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORIES 16 Divinity AVENUE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02138 March 28, 1979 Joshua Lederberg President Rockefeller University York Avenue E. 66th New York, New York 10021 Dear Joshua: I enjoyed immensely your literate and insightful discussion on the current scene last Friday at Mt. Sinai. You said two things that rather surprised me. First, if I understood you correctly, you said that the radiation from Hiroshima and Nagasaki did not significantly affect the leukemia incidence, indicating how difficult it was to get direct evidence concerning the effect of mutagens-carcinogens on humans. The enclosed two pages from John Cairns' new book on cancer state the contrary, and in fact, make strong qualitative claims. I gather these con- clusions are based on Rossi and Kellerer (1974) Radiat. Res. 58, 131-140. Is there any reason to doubt these findings? The second statement concerns the XYY business. Here my in- formation is completely anecdotal, but I had thought that a recent study, perhaps conducted in Denmark, indicated that the only unusual attribute of XYY's was a slight tendency to- ward mental slowness - hence a greater tendency to be caught if criminal. If you have a moment to set me straight on these matters, I would appreciate it, but they are merely matters of curiosity and there is no urgency. Sincerely, Whale ยข MARK |. tok pau TENE? Professor of Biochemistry ww and Molecular Biology =v 1 /* UKE L MP:scyjm Enclosure