THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 JOSHUA LEDERBERG July 28, 1981 PRESIDENT iL ve. Robert Porter The John Curtin School of Medical Research P. 0. Box 334 Canberra City 2601 Australia Dear Dr. Porter: Your most welcome letter of June 24th arrived while I was off campus for a few weeks; and I hasten to reply at this opportunity. Yes I am indeed aware of The John Curtin School! and am honored and delighted to respond to your invitation to join its Advisory Council. You have no way of knowing the depth of my own affiliation with Australian science, although it is unhappily 24 years since I have visited. On the other hand I have managed to maintain a warm personal contact with some of your colleagues and stand ready to serve in any way that I can. I do not know whether a visit to Canberra would be compatible with my schedule but let us just see about that. Probably most convenient for myself would be sometime in July or August 1982, preferably in the interval between July 19 and July 31 or the week of August 23. But as you say perhaps there is a great deal we can do regardless of a visit on the site. I will study the 1980 Annual Report that you sent me together with any other material that you think may be pertinent. In particular I wonder if you would give me a little more of your own biographical background and research in neurobiology; and of course if you have any further state- ments of your views beyond what was in the Annual Report that would be most welcome. By separate cover I will reciprocate. My best regards especially to Dr. Fenner. dea Dlack ~ wey: alg Be Aleedeued %. G oshua Lederberg Lyelitr Cf tear rid fits. Cal, CAgdas “4 elecpiad hey Arve as egy. 46477 v v