g (36 ew i fe THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK. NY 10021 November 28, 1979 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. J. Poirier President Institut de Recherches SERVIER Science Union et Cie 14 rue du Val d'Or 92150-Suresnes France Dear Jean: I was sorry to learn that Dr. Nathan had to withdraw from the collaborative study on cyclomunine that had been arranged between him and Dr: Leibowitch and yourself. I am particularly sorry that the whole matter took so long and especially when it had a fruitless outcome. There were to begin with some technicalities, that derived from the fact that his laboratory is also supported by the National Institutes of Health, about which Dr. Nathan was not well informed. The fact that you were so kind as to send-me a copy of your communications enabled us to clear up those problems, eventually; so I was sorry that it then worked out that Dr. Nathan himself felt that he had to withdraw. This is too bad since we are indeed eager to see the ways in which we can be of help in industrial drug development. Of course I was also most gratified to find a way in which our own personal relationship might be aug- mented by other activities of mutual advantage. I hope that you will find other ways in which to pro- ceed with the evaluation of cyclomunine and that it indeed turns out to be a gratifying success for you. I have also tried to educate our colleagues here about the most expedi- tious procedures for entering into arrangements like this so that, hopefully, we can avoid unnecessary delays in the future. Dr. J. Poirier November 28, 1979 -2- Above all I hope that this experience does not fore- stall future attempts to find areas of convergent interests and application and I remain, Yours sincerely, wy Masertr's bel unser. “sare ener a) Dr. F. wt ty 67-4. Mr. Rodney W. Nichols Mr. David J. Lyons Joshua derberg