Pp .,clit SB ~> Haz — gr yA AIR MAIL IAUG. 10 1979 & y shee Joshua Lederberg OFrice OF THE pete resident The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue at 66th Street New York, N.Y. U.S.A. July 26th, 1979 Dear Joshua, As you may remember, during my visit to your office I mentioned a publication concerning the history of biology and medicine. Since you were kind enough to express some interest in it, I am now writing to describe its general aims. Franco Maria Ricci has undertaken a publication project which will materialize, in about two years from now, in the form of a social history of the bio-medical sciences. It will have an encyclopaedic character and will encompass several volumes, richly illustrated. Contributors are being selected in several Countries, at the highest level of scholarly achievement. The enclosed document, although still very preliminary, is, we hope, @pt to give you a fair idea of our guidelines as well as of the criteria we have been following in eliciting contributions. We are now entering a phase of more systematic planning in order to attain, at the end of this calendar year, full coverage of all relevant topics. I would like to forward the following suggestion for your possible contribution: "The impact of genetics on medicine". _ However we prefer to allow each contributor to define the specific topic he/she wishes to cover, provided it is compatible with the aims and the character of our entreprise. We will be delighted therefore to receive from you alternative suggestions. Needless to say we would also very much appreciate your comments on the project as a whole. If you see other scholars concerned with the social history of biology and medicine, either in your field or in other fields, whom you deem it would be profitable for us to contact, please let us know. I plan to be back in New York during the second half of September. I intend then to contact Dr. Lorin Baritz, to whom I have sent relevant material in the meantime. If anything comes out of that, I defi- w/a Franco Maria Ricci editore via Cino Del Duca8. 20122 Milano, telefono 79884, 793117, 780275 nitely owe it to you. If you have some time to see me again, I will be delighted to discuss these and many other matters. I will contact your secretary as soon as I arrive in New York. Yours as ever, vaca Dr. Massimo Piattelli Palmarini General Editor c/o Fine Books / Franco Maria Ricci 160 East 92nd Street New York, N.Y. 10028 (phone nr.: 2898674) Franco Maria Ricci editore via Cino Del Duca8.20122 Milano, telefono 798804, 793117, 780275