R faipee pee y THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK. NY 10021 August 17, 1979 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. Louis Pelner 616 Rugby Road Brooklyn, New York 11226 Dear Dr. Pelner: Thank you for your letter of September 31st which was delayed by being forwarded back to New York. I am enclosing some of the material that you re- quested. As to the impact of religious background and train- ing, that is a problematical question. The fact that my father was a rabbi and committed to the study of the Torah certainly leant an atmosphere of respect for literary and intellectual expression at home; I also have to give very considerable credit to the public library and public school systems of the City of New York for giving me enor- mous opportunity and encouragement. I will let you draw your own conclusions further on this topic from some of the remarks long since committed to print that are enclosed. If you can spare a copy I would like to see a reprint of your piece on Metchnikoff and I will also share it with my colleague Jim Hirsch who has been biographically inter- ested both in Metchnikoff and now still more seriously in Paul Ehrlich. 4 Finally, I wonder if you have seen a remarkable survey by S. M. Lipset, referenced in the attachment. Yours sinc ly, Joshua Lederberg P.S. In the next month or two, prints of my installation address and lst annual report as President will be ready. These are fairly confessional. I will ask our Public Information Office to send them to you.