JOSHUA LEDERBERG 1230 YORK AVENUE PRESIDENT NEW YORK, N.Y. 10021 (212) 360-1234 _ My principal objective is to es- tablish a new laboratory and program in comparative toxicology, which is the scientific key to the resolution of policy dilemmas in tradeoffs of environmental risk and industrial development. The program would em- brace a measure of policy analysis along with laboratory studies and scientific critique. Almost everything else I had out- lined once before for a research center in this area is already in place at the University, as you can see from the bro- chure. So the investment has enormous leverage. What we need is three million dollars: two million for endowment, and one million for facilities renovation — and initial operating expense. Given such a base, I have no doubt about sub- stantial continued support in an area of such trenchant national need. ea —