DY, Peekared. poo THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 June 27, 1979 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Mr. David Packard Chairman of the Board Hewlett-Packard Company 1501 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, California 94304 Dear Mr. Packard: You were most kind to see me last year, when I was coping with the options of coming here, and again after I had been here for some months. I was very sorry to learn you would not be able to engage us more intimately by a personal visit on any of several oc- casions. I realize, of course, the enormous demands on your time and patience, and that I may already have exploited your courtesy by my previous visits. However, the same considerations of public service, unqualified excellence and proud independence that led me to move here from Palo Alto, and which are confirmed by my experience, coincide precisely with what I believe to be your own central motifs. Institutions like this university are rare: and they will vanish altogether unless people like yourself make special exertions to match your principles and insight. I do not relish pressing this on your attention if you are reluctant. However, the issue is too important to be set aside over petty etiquette; and you did not categori- cally dismiss my previous overtures, allowing that simple grace and courtesy on your part may have been a factor. I will be in Palo Alto for intermittent weeks during July and August. In the hope that it was scheduling that impeded a rapprochement with us in New York, I will take a small initiative in calling your office for an appoint- Mr. David Packard June 27, 1979 -2- ment at your convenience; if that is possible. Unless you have resolutely determined otherwise, I am confident that you will be as impressed by our enterprise, as I have been, once you have the opportunity to learn more about us in detail. Yours sincerety, Af Jgshua Lederberg bec: RWN DO routing