13:2 THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 TOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT December 1, 1978 In re: Dr Morton Mandel I regret the delay in retrieving the following notes from my files at Stanford University. I have no further information that would alter that report. Confidential Report on Candidate for Fellowship Nv 34/94! R dof; Mr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford Univ. School of Medicine Stanford, California 94305 Name of Candidate) Mandel, Morton REPORT: I was very pleased to see this application from Dr. Mandel, Dr, Mandel was a research fellow in our department for somewhat longer than a year in 1963/64. During that time,as stated in his application, he did some important and pioneering work in the application of NMR analysis to biological macromolecules. In the intervening years he has done creditable work in more biologically oriented spheres, which has also been instrumental in broadening his overall culture as a molecular biologist. But his real strength, in my view, has been in the insightful use of instrumental analysis for the solution of important biological problems and I am happy to see that he is now re- directing his focus to the area of his greatest strength, The studies he plans to pursue in Zurich are important, feasible and relevant to his past and prospective future career. I commend his application most highly.