Dick Lyman President S.U. 10/4/78 Oct. 16 '78 -- Josh's Installation Dear Dick It is just come to my attention that your name may have been overlooked in the first mailing of invitations. I was chagrinned to learn this, and hope it has been rectified. Perhaps I can also understand how it happened: namely that I had tried to deflate unrealistic images that this was in any way a major or national event -- that in my own view it did have some metropolitan or regional interest, but we should not be pretentious in going further. But I did not mean to exclude my friends -- at least from receiving so[ . . . ] of the occasion!! ctd. cc: chron file [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] I am still concerned that an invitation to a ceremonial occasion, important as it is to me, will be a burden to my closest friends; and that I will [ . . . ] accentuate that burden by this personal discourse. But if there is any way that it could be convenient for you and Jing (or either of you) to share this with us -- on October 16 -- it would be deeply gratifying to both of us. We do recall the rite of separation at the faculty club last summer with great affection. Yours, Joshua.