UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA CRUZ BERKELEY * DAVIS * IRVINE * LOS ANGELES * RIVERSIDE * SAN DIEGO « SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE OF THE CHANCELLOR SANTA CRUZ, CALIFORNIA 95064 * cacao wal Rice oF THe ES July 15, 1981 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Joshua: In 1982, the James Murray Luck Award of the National Academy of Sciences will be presentéf% tne Field of the Life Sciences. I have been asked to serve as Chairman of the selection committee. The Award is a prize of $5,000, awarded annually for excellence in scientific reviewing, pub] ished anywhere. It was established in honor of James Murray Luck and is sponsored jointly by Annual Reviews, Inc., and the Institute for Scientific Information, Inc. The selection committee will welcome nominations for this award at anytime until September 15, 1981. Please address correspon- dence either directly to me or to the Home Secretary. Sincerely yours, [Dot Robert L. Sinsheimer Chancellor cc: Bryce Crawford, Home Secretary