HARVARD UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF PHyYSicS JEFFERSON PHYSICAL LABORATORY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02138 29 January 1979 nt Wwe ECE og qpe PRES - magn ThE Be Dr. Joshua Lederberg President The Rockefeller University New York, NY 10021 Dear Josh: Thank you again for your generous presence (plus hospitality plus interventions) at the SSRC planning meeting. Hope to see dt you at the full committee meeting on February 7. a In line with our conversation, I enclose a letter of nomination of Hans Bethe for the J. M. Luck-NAS award for scientific reviews. LJ. . Not being sure to whom to send it if you are not the right recipient, BEAL Eo may I ask you to forward it? (If credit is needed, it should be given , ya also to my Research Associate, Dr. Katherine Sopka.) A BA tee op PK: With best regards, 4 ae " ‘ IP. Gerald Holton Enc.