London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Keppel Street (Gower Street) London WC1E 7HT Telephone 01-636 8636 Telegrams Hygower London WC1 From the Dean C E Gordon Smith CB MD FRCP FRCPath 27th June, 1979. Dear Dr. Lederberg, The School Council has instructed me to invite you to be our Heath Clark Lecturer for 1981. The Lectureship carries the stipend of a professor of the University and involves spending about 3 months here in the School partici- pating in its activities in a manner to be discussed between yourself and interested departments. I enclose copies of our last Annual Report and of our Syllabus so that you may understand the scope of our activities. During the 3 months the Lecturer is also expected to give a public lecture or a short series of public lectures on a subject of his choice within the definition: "History and Progress of Preventive Medicine and Tropical Hygiene, with special reference to the educational, cultural and humanistic aspects of the subject as opposed to technical and manipulative training" - which, I am sure you agree, is a very broad one: I also enclose a copy of the Trust Deed, of the amendments to it and of a list of former Heath Clark Lecturers ~ a distinguished one. I hope very much that you will be able to accept this invitation and that, if so, you can give me an early indication of possible dates when you might take it up. These should be between October and April (inclusive). I shall look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Dr. Joshua Lederberg, President, The Rockefeller University, East 66th Street at New York Avenue, New York, New York 10021, accept: U.S.A. regret? C CJ