a The ‘0 THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY of Rockefeller \m - University /Z 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 Od <> November 1, 1978 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Mr. Peter Libassi Department of Health, Education and Welfare 200 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D. C. 20203 Dear Mr. Libassi: I understand that Marcia Cleveland and Louis Slesin of the Natural Resources Defense Council made certain comments, undercover of a letterhead dated September 19th, critical of the proposed mitigation of the NIH Guidelines for Recombinant DNA Research (43 FR 33042, July 28, 1978). These comments were submitted on the stationery of the Natural Resources Defense Council where my name also appears as a member of the Board of Trustees. A number of my colleagues have expressed surprise - and quite correctly and understandably so -- at my appar- ent association with these criticisms. My own position opposing unduly stringent regulation in this area was expressed quite clearly several years ago, and I have had no reason whatever to alter my earlier opinions on the matter. The fact is that as a member of the Board, I strongly applaud the general purposes of the NRDC but I have not approved nor taken any part in this staff paper: a relationship which is by no means unusual al- though often misunderstood. To avoid any possible misunderstanding I believe it important that I put on the record my personal dis- avowal to this particular comment. Yours sincexely, shua Lederber cc: Mr. John Adams Miss Marcia Cleveland bcc: Dr. Donald Fredrickson Dr. Allan Campbell Dr. Norton ZInder