antl Kove Loh “ah aa Aer 5/ Rockefeller THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY a University /Z 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 O re November 26, 1979 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Universities Research Association, Inc. 2100 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20037 Gentlemen: This is in response to President Harry Woolf's so- licitation for stggestions of at-large trustees. I would like to present the name of Dr. Elliott Levinthal whose brief biography from American Men & Women of Science is attached. Dr. Levinthal played a crucial role in the Mariner IX and Viking photographic missions to Mars. I think that there is a widespread consensus that he played a unique role in bringing together the scientific aspirations and engineering realities of these missions that were instrumental to their success. He had a particular flair for the problems of scheduling and management that avoided many potential mishaps: skills that will surely be indispensible in the oversight, even at a board level, of the Space Telescope Science Institute. I have known him personally for almost 20 years and believe that he has qualities that badly need to be represented on a board of this kind and which are very hard to find. Al- most any other member of the missions I mentioned might be consulted for corroboration of this evaluation. Youxs sincer Joshua Lederberg Encl.