THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK. NY 10021 IOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT April 13, 1981 Dr. Philip Levine Lotos Club 5 East 66 Street New York, New York 10022 Dear Phil: As part of an ongoing program to provide our donors with regular reports on significant aspects of the University's work, I have enclosed brief summaries of four important campus pro- jects. These projects are representative of the scope and qual- ity of our scientific activities and, therefore, typify the work which is being supported by your commitment to the University. I hope you will agree that a review of these projects offers an insight into the ways in which private support is making possible a diverse program.of scientific research. The work of Professors Elaine Diacumakos, Marcus Horwitz, Mary Rifkin, Samuel Silverstein, and Igor Tamm are highlighted in the attached material. This group of researchers embodies the institution's characteristic blend of experience and talent in many fields that so often results in important scientific accom- plishments -- Dr.-Diacumakos is expanding application of physical microinjection, a procedure which may make it possible to correct genetic defects in cells; Drs. Horwitz and Silverstein's investi- gation of Legionnaires' disease bacteria is bringing closer the day when a vaccine will be developed against the disease; Dr. Rifkin's research on the nature of trypanosomiasis is yielding unexpected knowledge about parasitic disease; and finally, Dr. Tamm and his associates are pioneering a method of producing interferon. from human connective tissue, a procedure which may make more of the scarce substance available for research and clinical use. The efforts of these and other investigators at The Rockefeller are linked together in both subtle and obvious ways; each adds a strand, central and peripheral, to the complex web of research which underlies medical and scientific advances. But Page 2 the University's ability to continue such necessary work is dependent on the substantial involvement of many segments of our society. We are striving both to attract the new resources and implement the managerial decisions that will help to sustain our — traditions of excellence in the years ahead. 7 I want to thank you, Phil, for your efforts as a member of the University Associates Committee. Your personal assistance in fund-raising is most helpful to us. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg be: Dr. Alexander G. Bearn