(wie MEMORIAL SLOAN-KETTERING CANCER CENTER 1275 YORK AVENUE, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10021 Tale to Rint. guymot ‘ ae o ’ Cancer < Congut® June 26, 1980 Dr. Paul Marks Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons 701 W. 168 Street New York, N.Y. 10032 Dear Paul: I hesitate writing to you at this time when you are severing your relations with P&S to transfer your activities to MSKI. The point of it all is that I have a 3 year grant for a total of $190,320, the title of which is "Forssman Antigen/Antibody and Human Adenocarcinoma". A copy of the pink sheets and the members of Experimental Immunology Review Group is enclosed. This grant became effective as of June 1. The problem is that there is no laboratory space for me in the vast facilities of MSKI. On discussing this situation with Bob Good, he suggested that I write to you regarding this critical situation. Dr. Herdman did suggest 2 small rooms in 307R where dogs under radio- therapy must be removed. These rooms are quite unsatisfactory and will not contain a fractionator which I am ordering. On reading the news release in the New York Times of June 21, I learned that it wil] be October 1 when you can devote all your time and effort at MSKI. Bob Good tells me that at this time there is no one in authority to make any vital decisions. In spite of these difficulties I am advertising in Science for a Post-Doctoral Associate and also for one technician as provided for in my grant application. I believe that you are acquainted with some of my current work and hesitate to send you some of my papers at this time. Nevertheless I am enclosing 2 items: one a PNAS paper entitled "The self-nonself concept for cancer and diseases previously known as ‘autoimmune’ diseases", and another presented in Aspen in August 1978, the title of which is "Glycolipid genetic markers on red cells and tissue cells in cancer and potential immunotherapy". This is included in a volume in Advances in Pathobiology edited by Carmia Borek, Cecilia Fenoglio and Donald King and dedicated to me - thanks to the initiative of Ted Puck and Don King. Josh Lederberg, my good friend, is fully acquainted with my research projects because he is the only one who finds the time to serve as my listening post. Although I will be 80 years this August 10, my MEMORIAL HOSPITAL FOR CANCER AND ALLIED DISEASES SLOAN-KETTERING INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RESEARCH SLOAN-KETTERING DIVISION, GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, CORNELL UNIVERSITY To: Dr. Paul Marks June 26, 1980 Page 2 health is satisfactory and I continue to show great enthusiasm for my current and future research projects. Additionally I have sufficient data for one or more papers on "Antibody Induced Abortions" which may have a bearing on the failure of my 1951 patient to develop metastasis following subtotal gastrectomy. I am all the more frustrated because after four years association with MSKI, I cannot help but observe the quality of the research there. My high standards in the conduct of research were fixed for me in the course of my seven years with Landsteiner at the then Rockefeller Institute. I refer to this in my response to the dedication in the volume on Aging, Cancer and Cell Membranes. Will it be possible for me to visit with you briefly at P&S to discuss this problem? It is my feeling that someone in full authority can readily resolve this problem for a thoroughly frustrated Philip Levine: My next appointment with Josh is on Tuesday, July 2. I prefer to discuss with him science in all its aspects but hesitate to bring personal problems to him. My association with him over the past 1's years has been increasingly stimulating and I hope mutually so. This is the first time in my long life that I am resorting to the desperate measure of begging for H EL P: Best wishes. Sincerely yours, Philip Levine, M.D., F.R.C.P. PL:h] enc.