May 28,1980 Douglas Gairdner,DM, FRCP Rutherford Road Cambridge CB2,2HH London, England Dear Dr. Gairdner: I have been informed by Dr. Marguerite Lederberg about your article in the September 29,1979 iseue of British Medical Journal entitled "The Rhesus Story". Dr. Lederberg (whose husband is the Nobelist Dr. Joshua Lederberg, President of Rockefaller University) read an abstract of your Rritish Medical Journal article in the April 1980 issue of Psychiatric Capsule & Comment which is edited by Dr. S.J. Guze,. On page 709 of the British Medical Journal you state as follows: “so the matter rested until 1940 when Karl Landsteiner at the Rockefeller Institute, and A.S. Wiener working in a blood transfusion laboratory in Brooklyn, published a brief paper on "An agglutinable factor in human blood recognizeddby immune sera for rhesus blood." A copy of their 1940 paper is herewith enclosed which is to be pompared with my 1939 paper (with Stetson). The Karl Landsteiner and A.S. Wiener 1940 paper gives no indication of the clinical importance of their finding. Kindly read my 1939 paper carefully and note the clinical implications and the reference to the transplacental passage of fetal REC into the maternal circulation. Fven excellent geneticists such as ny good friend Professor Bently Glass and Dr.Richard King fell into the game trap. Note however that Professor Glass has corrected the matter in the September issue of Quarterly Review of Rlology. May 28, 1980 Douglas Gairdner Page 2 Enclosed is a preprint of a paper entitled "Bistorical Perspectives Before 1945~-Updated" ho be included in a book to: be published in a month or so. In Table 1 I listed papers dealing with tsoimmunization in several species but it is not possible to include the 1940 Karl Landsteiner and A.S. Wiener paper which does not deal with isoimmunization but rather with heteroimmuniza- tion. The fundamental basis for my associating isoimmunization with the pathogeneses of erythroblastosis fetalesa was supplied by my 1939 paper. You may verify these facts with Dr. Pat Mollison or Drs. Race and Sanger whom I have known for many years. I appreciate that you emphasize clinical aspects of the Rh story and the role of potent Rh antibodies in its preventions. It may interest you to know that I spent seven years (1925-1932) at the then Rockefeller Institute working with Dr. Landsteiner. It was during my close association with this N@belist that I learned the meaning of research. Rest wishes. Sincerely yours, Philip Levine,M.D.,F.R.C.P. PL: ik enc.