\ EP KO bint Gay ye, wey PHILIP LEVINE LABORATORIES As bye eye oO i a ‘ Ras , ORTHO DIAGNOSTICS « ‘Dey. we Raritan, New Jersey 08869 mt IO footer wt oo TELEPHONE (201) 524-2203 RARITAN, new Jersey 08869 SERIES SUBSCRIFTION 5 $360.00 October 23, 1979 0 117 ORCHESTRA $40.00 Dr. Joshua Lederberg wAT EVE OCT 27 1979_ The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, N.Y. 10021 ‘LINCOLN CENTER Dear Josh: BROADWAY AT 65 ST 580-9630, 8:00 PM This is a belated reply to your letters of September 26, October 2 and your note of October 16. As for my donation, I was highly pleased to find myself in a position to help in your efforts to advance the "continuing progress of the Universities' research and educational programs". I am one of the few remaining veterans of the Rockefeller Institute where I received a sound training in the scientific method which continues to yield to me profitable dividends. I place the highest value in our relationship over your first year at the helm. We at the Memorial Sloan Kettering are so preoccupied with daily routines that there is altogether too little opportunity for free and open discussions and evaluation of our various research endeavors. And so I am most grateful that you manage to find time in your busy schedule to allow me to think out loud with you and discuss my research projects and science in general. Taking all into account only the fondest memories remain of my seven years at the Institute and any unpleasant association with a one-sided and a most "unhappy fellow" of the genius variety no longer surface to disturb me. In closing I should like to quote from Julian Huxley's plea to the gifted and highly creative individual that they promote man to evolve from the status of homo sapiens to that of homo humanus. To: Dr. Joshua Lederberg October 23, 1979 Page 2 I look forward to the December 3 event and my list of guests include among others the newly married Stewart Mott. The / names and addresses are in the hands of Bob van Valer. ~~ Wi — h best regards, jf Philip Levine, M.D., F.R.C.P. t ict _ ‘ 4 _ P.S. The delay in my reply is the result of preoccupation with the grant application, moving back to the Lotos Club and other sundry matters. PL:hl