co fgetechtnek fe THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 January 29, 1980 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. Eviatar Zerubavel Western Psychiatric Institute University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260 Dear Dr. Zerubavel: Thank you for your reprint on private and public time. I found it interesting to read, and as an exten- sion of Moore's analysis. But your reference to Merton 1968 is not a sufficient pointer to that huge volume. (I was to have dined with him this evening but I have a lingering flu that it was better to respect. I know he is still interested in “time-bound social phenomena” -- we had some, by no means exhaustive, discussion of the mean- ing of a (political) “honeymoon, and of the “lame duck). As to the paper, I have little to add, but the hope that the analysis will continue, and still more deeply. You do talk about "bureaucratization" of a profession as related to the erosion of ever-availability. I am not sure I understand "bureaucratization". 35 years ago it was commonplace for graduate students to be in their labs. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Is the shift to hedonic values what you mean by “"bureaucratization"? It would be inter- esting to get more quantitative data on accessibility, and over a period of time. Do time budgets show this? My present institutional role certainly does expose me to being scheduled day and night,to a degree I could never have predicted (and you would be right to guess this is one of the sources of my interest). I suppose it is hard to get around "socially perceived indispensability"; but a great deal of that is indeed ceremonial. There are some distinctions between that and the exigencies of real respon- sibility which apply to all statuses of command but which rest on the physician in purer form. Do you think nurses would hesitate an instant to extend their duty hours ina truly life-threatening emergency? Dr. Eviatar Zerubavel January 29, 1980 -2- At 39 you agree that private-public is a continuing; but do you attempt to define the poles? I am alone now, but am penning a draft to you. A while ago, I was reading your reprint. How much less private if you had been in proximate discourse? behind a one-way glass? on the tele- phone? Is the person ever totally abstracted from a social milieu? oy A pornos Lederberg. ) bee! Rv, Meta