4 Rnd SM - L oyt I hg Dnt 0 (Loge / December 6, 1979 Dr. Leonard Krieger FEE 5s 80/e Dear Dr. Krieger: I have nothing to quarrel with in your draft report of November 19th. However, I would have said more about the responsibilities of departments and schools to provide for the needs of graduate students. Beyond our mandate, I would still say that it should be a matter of policy that senior faculty play a major role in introductory college teaching -- not drill courses which should be minimal anyhow. As for September 1980 I hope you set a definite date early enough that I can firmly plant it on my calendar. My own suggestion for topic is the criterion for the Ph.D. dissertation/degree.. At most institutions this has gradually deteriorated; I have no information about Yale. Rockefeller University will be doing some self-study this pleted year on’seileceed questions, even whether to replace the Ph.D. with a more senior research qualification.