P.O. Box 26 Barnet, Vermont 05821 September 1, 1979. TO: Members of the Visiting Committee for the Yele Graduate School J eee eee PxOM: Leonard Krieger 4£: Visit of the Visiting Comuittee to the Yale Campus Phe formai visit and meebing of the Visiting Comaittee will take place in New Haven, Connecticut on vetover 1i, 1979 (Thursday). As before, we shall start with a meeting among ourselvea at 9 am on that Thursday in tre Council room of Woodbridge rail and end with a similar meeting after our last appointment. ill you let me KUW, at your serliest convenience und ts the asove Vermont zeddresa? 1. ‘thether you can and vill come to Kee haven oc thet day (for trose of gsu who live Seyoud the hee York arex, a visit on Thursday provably means arrival in Nee Laven on tie .edneacay cefawe). «.e If you can and will come, “hom i si.ould mace ap.olntuents Por gow be ees, For yous information, sur Composition «ill oe tie sease as iast time, since our ner member, Ted éiolkowski, nas already reaimed because of fesred ecuflict of interest. Yor yous Inicra@atisn toc, i aave alreacy requested ap: olatnents for tre Pali comsittee with tre rréeaident, the :rsovost, the Deen of tre craCuete Scheol, professor iovin Sioaks (Chateran of whe Council of Mastera), ¥r. -yanw Ryan, kes. cath Senedict, Mr. w.ipuel cullerte (President of tre eracuate and irofessionai schools Senate) aad otler representative AVeGLal@ studeuts, ait a reprasantative selectius of junior Faculty. i neve siso req.@atec apooint ments witli. the coselircan aud Glrector of siaGuats stuaies ol the histor vepartcent for i.yseif., To rereac: do let se Kaos If vbere are otrer ap-olatment s you tring 1 scouid request fus wu, oilier col.ectivery or distritutively, ts nN | EAh es! fey ar acce fo" ~ a Vet ib Ld br regret: