DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE | PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE HEALTH SERVICES AND MENTAL HEALTH ADMINISTRATION December 12, 1978 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH DIVISION OF SPECIAL MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH, IR Our Reference: SMRC oe a SAINT ELIZABETHS HOSPITAL - WAW BUILDING ~ ~~, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20032 ’ wo | oe AREA CODE 202 TEL: 574-7572 ' of Dr. Joshua Lederberg \ - 8 ) Office of the President EEE a net The Rockefeller University ONLEE Ter 1230 York Avenue — New York, New York 10021 Dear Dr. Lederberg: I was pleased to have the opportunity to visit the Rockefeller University and the Payne Whitney Clinic. I had heard a great deal about you and Bob Michels, of course, and was glad that our paths finally crossed. I have reviewed the list of researchers in biological psychiatry I gave you and it is fairly complete. You may find three or four more people who do not immediately come to my mind. Please let me know if I can be of help in providing further information on any of these scientists. To address your questions concerning biological psychiatry, I am enclosing a paper which was incorporated into the final report of the President's Commission on Mental Health which specifies the importance of this arena. As you note, the direct and indirect costs of schizophrenia are about the same as those for cancer, yet the Federal research support is miniscule. In addition to the financial, social and personal impact, speculating about its cause carries an intrinsic interest for all men. To respond to your more important concern, I believe there is something that the Rockefeller-Payne Whitney can do that would significantly add to efforts already going on at other institutions. Since you are both private institutions, of no little repute, you have the freedom and opportunity to direct your efforts. Your choice will be viewed with considerable respect. I hope you decide to invest in biological psychiatry. It would certainly help balance the already excellent programs at the Payne Whitney and, perhaps, in a modest way, do what the Sloan-Kettering has done for cancer. Finally, would you be robbing Peter to pay Paul? I do not think so. I believe there are enough dissatisfed scientists(not malcontents) in their current settings who would welcome the opportunity to work at the Rockefeller University. Dr. Joshua Lederberg I am enclosing a copy of our first paper on the CAT scan and schizophrenia. Best wishes and, Sincerely yours, Abbe! Richard J. Wyatt, M.D. Chief, Laboratory of Clinical Psychopharmacology Enclosures cc: Dr. Michels ftom