E OSTON BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE SSR a j A a DEPARTMENT OF 20 STANIFORD STREET DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02114 617-742-6584 June 29, 1979 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President Rockefeller University New York, N. Y. 10021 Dear Josh: _ I've not received reprints for my Causality article as yet, but will send one if I do. In the meantime, here is a xerox. Also here is an arti- cle in which you are quoted (p.10); I hope you like it, as I've suggested you to Science (which rejected the Causality article) as a reviewer. If you don't like it, be kind for old time's sake. I was a semantics major at Stanford, and turned to science as an es- cape, when it finally dawned on me that people do not want to understand each other. Displaying egos is ever so much more important than clarifying misunderstandings (how can rational people really disagree, with bthessame world to abstract from?). People also, in their immaturity, want simple answers to obviously complex problems: God and the Gene (no offense). Up- staged by a computer?! However, complex problems will only be solved by equally complex analyses. Best regards, Barb on. Barbara E. Wright, Ph.D. L BEW/cme Encl. Thaacbagpn, Balen Serres dtoytel (oat hetred fierce t/ the BE Whit wae fo Botan f tine’ The patthnn i hook ae pile oet, et fab rr ofr