THE INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY HARRY WOOLF Director January 30, 1981 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Josh: You sent me a sample of your chicken scratchings made at the Bardins' party and identified, in some compound of words wintel- ligible to me, a colloquium on theory in biology with Mumford and others. In turn, you have asked me to decipher what you thought you had put down. We did talk about theory in the life sciences and the possibility of our developing a kind of intellectual probe in that direction at the Institute, and that I wanted to talk to you about the idea at greater length in the future. Can we bring two or three people annually or semi~annually with an interest in this area and perhaps for a three-year experimental program in all to see what is or is not legitimate in that historically hollow field (at least in the past), and determine whether or not there is an unfolding, serious subject area in which theory in the life sciences is legitimate and interesting? Secondly, I think you did raise some question about where to go in mathematics on Mark Kac's retirement. I thought with regard to that subject that you wanted to talk to me about it at greater length, but at your discretion. In any case, that is what I can remember of our time together beyond the pleasure of your company. Do let me know where we go from here. Cordially yours, LAW Harry Woolf Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Telephone 609-734-8200