605 Third Avenue JUN | 6 12% New York, NY 10016 212-867-9800 Telex 12-7063 Cable JONWILE New York, Chichester, Brisbane, Toronto John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Publishers Professional Group 12. June 1980 Dr. Joshua Lederberg The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Josh: The first issue of Research Profiles is first class; nicely designed and executed. I hope you keep me on your mailing list. The period- ical can be an important tool in keeping influential audiences aware of the work of The Rockefeller University. I predict that your mailing list will grow considerably and that you will eventually find yourself discussing the costs and benefits of increasing either the size or the frequency. If time permits, perhaps we could have lunch one of these days to bring each other up to date on what's happening in our overlapping worlds. I'm interested in knowing how you're doing with the Press; I'd like to bounce an idea off you about a journal I'm considering; and I'd love to talk more about the developing technology of com- munication. (I saw Ed Feigenbaum recently and put him in touch with Bill Kaufmann. I'm planning to visit him late August.) I'11 call next week about a date. Cordially, Cen, Allan Wittman, Publisher Wiley-Interscience Journals bo- nh ele tte, : cA AW/ss