JOHN WILEY &€ SONS, INC., PUBLISHERS 60S THIRD AVENUE, NEW YORK, N.Y.10016 (212)867-9800 CABLE: JONWILE WV WILEV-INTERSCIENCE A DIVISION OF 23 February 1979 Dr. Joshua Lederberg The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Thank you for sending me the articles. I'm impressed by your level of sophistication in this area. I guess I shouldn't have been. When Bob Polhemus and I returned to the office, we learned that one of Bob's editors, Ted Hoffman, has been working with Dennis Smith on a proposed book on computer aided structure determination. Dr. Hoffman says he hasn't heard from Dr. Smith for quite awhile and wonders if you know anything about the status of the book or whether perhaps Dr. Smith might be moving east from Stanford. I also noted in one of the citations that you had written a paper with my cousin, Edward Feigenbaum. Although we are first cousins, I confess I haven't seen him for a few years. I will have to look him up next time I'm in the area. . There will be a meeting of the TSM Executive Council of the Association of American Publishers on 4 March. Bob and I will raise the question of a joint meeting with the Rockefeller faculty and report back to you. A copy of my paper is enclosed, as you requested. In addition, I'm enclosing a bibliography relating to journal publishing. Perhaps you might find it useful. We look forward to seeing you again. Cordially, CMa, Allan Wittman Publisher Wiley-Interscience Journals AW:mac ’. S, => Encls. / \ NEW YORK BRISBANE CHICHESTER TORONTO WILEY-INTERSCIENCE,A DIVISION OF JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC., PUBLISHERS Dr. Joshua Lederberg 23 February 1979 PS: I believe you mentioned that someone you know is looking for a job Lo in publishing. I enclose copies of the classified section of the last issue of PUBLISHERS WEEKLY. Note the advertisements from the half dozen agencies which seem to specialize in publishing jobs.