ftLr “7 WILEY-INTERSCIENCE A DIVISION OF JOHN WILEY &€ SONS, INC., PUBLISHERS 605 THIRD AVENUE, NEW YORK, N.Y.10016 (212) 867-9800 CABLE: JONWILE 2 January 1979 Dr. Joshua Lederberg The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Dr. Lederberg: A few months ago Bill Kaufmann called me from California to say that his good friend, Joshua Lederberg, was moving to New York and would I please call him up, make him welcome, and look after him. I'm afraid I have been remiss in not doing so sooner. Welcome to New York. ? With the thought that we very likely have common interests, S/. 7 would you like to get together withi ext couple of weeks? Bhs da We'd be very pleased to have you(cone down fy lunch and meet 7 some of our management and editor’; s not convenient, (42°%.4-# I can as easily come up to visit you. noe e, ae I'll call you in a few days. i cordsalty, yy Wa. C) ittinar Allan Wittman, Publisher sth / 2g LALA Wiley-Interscience Journals | 605 Hurd Lire C4citt ) AW/ss NEW YORK SANTA BARBARA SALT LAKE CITY LONDON SYDNEY TORONTO SOMERSET, N.J.