Lou KER, +1. F/, oO Z, 5(Rockefelles THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY a University /< 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK. NY 10021 “D> aan a April 9, 1979 33+ JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Chancellor Albert H. Bowker University of California Berkeley, California 94720 Dear Al: I understand that you might have the opportunity . to recruit Professor Herman Witkin as a Distinguished Visiting Professor in Psychology for a quarter in the next academic year. I have known Dr. Witkin personally and professionally for at least 20 years and have the highest regard for his accomplishments and presence as an investigator, teacher, colleague, and friend. He has an outstanding reputation for his work in psychological differentiation, personality and cognition, and recently more especially in cross cul- tural research. The contribution with which I am most famijiar, and that intimately, is his work on the XYY chromosome syndrome (Science 193:547, 1976). This work which was laborious, and meticulously designed and exe- cuted has done more than any other to clear up the con- troversy that has surrounded the XYY effect: and of course it points to still further questions that need to be ex- plored but which now’rests on a critical scientific basis. I know that the value of a visiting appointment rests as much on the collegial attributes of the appointee as on his scientific skill and here Hy would be most admirable. He relates beautifully to every element of the academic structure and I am sure that Berkeley would be greatly en- riched for whatever time you can attract him for. It is not an empty remark that I envy you the opportunity of gaining so much for a very modest investment; and I would not hesitate to do the same here if I had the opportunity. You sincerely, Joshua Lederberg