THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 o* July 2, 1980 3 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Professor Richard Wilson Energy and Environmental Policy Center Harvard University 79 Boylston Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Dear Professor Wilson: I was very glad that you sent your proposal to the Department of Erergy and that I had an opportunity to com- ment on it. I am certainly hopeful that you will be given the opportunity to continue this vitally important work. In the event that doesn't work out (and I have no reason to predict the result one way or the other) it oc- curred to me that there might be a couple of other places that might be interested in the effort. Amongst the foun- dations in New York, I think of Jack Sawyer at the Mellon Foundation and Bob Ebert at the Milbank Fund. And I have every reason to think that Chauncey Starr at the Electric Power Research Institute in Palo Alto would be quite in- terested in trying to help arrange support; I suspect that. they are not bereft of funds either. Tf there is anything that you would like me to do -- including sending an informal copy of the proposal you sent to DOE or making any other. introduction that you believe would be helpful, please just let me know. I will be in Palo Alto a good part of the summer (care of the Genetics Department, Stanford) and would be happy tc talk directly to Chauncey or to try to help arrange a meeting if that isn't adding the superfluous. Sometime, too, I hope you have a chance to meet D. Warner North who has a contract from EPA to explore the whole decision analysis framework: it is hard to see what would be more important inputs than your own analysis. Professor Richard Wilson July 2, 1980 -~2- My secretary here in New York will of course forward any mail but if there is any question of needing to contact me more urgently I suggest that you call here first to get my immediate whereabouts. You (and good luck) sincerely, hua Lederberg