oN % © THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY oO m Rockefeller “A University ig 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 Jy sx Sf October 31, 1979 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. Kern Wildenthal Dean Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences The University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Dallas 5323 Harry Hines Boulevard Dallas, Texas 75235 Dear Dr. Wildenthal: I was very happy to receive your letter of October 2nd inviting me to the Jonsson Visiting Professorship for 1980-81. I apologize for not having replied sooner but the last few weeks have found me traveling rather more often than usual. It has taken me a little while to collect my thoughts and consult my calendar so as to answer your question in the most constructive way. In any event, I would be delighted to accept your invitation, trusting that you well understand that I am now functioning mainly in an interdisciplinary mode in contrast to my still recent role as a‘ professor at Stan- ford University. However, I think this does not disable me from presenting a picture of the way in which basic and clinical sciences can be still better integrated, for the most effective progress in the fields to which you and your school are so devotedly and effectively dedicated. Thank you for reminding me of the excellent company that I would have in the professorship with names like Jacob, Medawar and Lew Thomas! However, I wonder if it is permissible for me to re- ply now with a firm acceptance, in principle, and to wait until a few other matters crystallize before trying to negotiate a final date. By early January next I expect to be able to make a firm commitment with you as to the most appropriate time for a visit to Dallas. JI am leaning Dr. Kern Wildenthal October 31, 1979 -2- towards February 1981; but I need to see the dates for our board meeting, and similar matters here, more firm- ly settled. I thank you again for your consideration. Yours sincerely, oshua Lederbetrg