AARON WILDAVSKY June 14 1978 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford California 94305 Dear Joshua, There is a rational answer and a historical one, As usual the truth is historical. I came to health policy unburdened by any prior acquaintance, I had been asked to explain the increase in medical costs hut I soon concluded this was well known. Indeed, the medical literature was, unlike any I had read tn social science in that there was a mountain of splendid material. Coming to grips with thts material, somehow simplifying jt, I discovered was a major roadblock to thinking, So I made it my task not to tnyent anything new, but to make what was already known simpler and more yiyid, Soon I realized that if I took notes IT would end up using them and that this would run directly counter to my purpose, I did not want to produce a rambling book. In a word I took no notes and wrote the enclosed paper, I did read a variety of material that included various estimates and made my own judaement, It could have been 20%. ar 30%, but it would not have been higher by any authority I consulted, only, alas, I cannot remember which. No doubt many have wondered, but you are the first to ask, Sincerely, Aaron Wildavsky Ln Enc. From May Ist to Avgust 31, 1978 Aaron Wildavsky can be reached at Room 464 230 Park Avenue New York, N.Y. 1OO17 (212) ยข49-8195,8196 or (indefinitely) at home 227 Clinton Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 {212) 625-5312