SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD UNIVERSITY, STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94505 JOSHUA LEDERBERG Josepru D. GRANT PROFESSOR February 7 : 1978 oF GENETICS Aaron Wildavsky President Russell Sage Foundation 230 Park Avenue New York, N.Y. 10017 Dear Mr. Wildavsky: \% Thank you very much for sending me "urban outcomes." I was very much interested indeed to read the chapter on libraries. I wonder if there is any comparable information available at this time about the New York City public library system. Besides my nostalgic interest in the libraries, and the testimonial that I can offer about their importance as an educational instrument, it occurred to me that they would be an important index of the provision of opportunities. I particularly am concerned that the pressures on schools like Stuyvesent High School and Bronx High School of Science may be misdirected in a quite destructive way and that more leverage be available for the preparation of students for the mobility and the eventual opportunity that such high schools can offer. I would be willing to bet that the successful students are avid users of whatever library facilities are available even in relation to others of comparable income and cu]tural background. Of course, I may be retroflecting without regard to:many changes © of the past thirty years; in particular I am told that library facilities within the public schools have taken over part of the functions of the City library system, but I have no direct check on that. When I come to New York this September I am certainly looking forward to reestablishing connections with you and with the Foundation both personally and institutionally. I would particularly welcome ways in which I could help analyze the conjunction of expertise in the natural sciences that is quite abundant at Rockefeller University with the needs, social awareness, and complimentary expertise of ° your coleagues and local projects that may occur to you as pertinent. Aaron Wildavsky 22. February 7, 1978 There are certainly a number of steps along these lines that could be undertaken quite informally and I hope you would agree about the merits of further exploration along those lines. If I could trouble you for the latest annual report of the Foundation and summaries of the projects you are supporting - I had some samples of such material about a couple of years ago - they would be helpful as prior briefing for further conversations to which I look forward. Again, thank you for your courtesy in sending the book, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL:ek-f