oO ELLLLE Gwe STANFORD UNIVERSITY gw" SOE RO Oy STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 frag yong! ) OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Fo ort ost or nie November 12, 1980 President Joshua Lederberg Rockefeller University, 66th and York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Josh: : Oat J. This is just a short note to follow up on some old business: as you recall, I told you some time ago that I had written to Jack Whitehead with our proposal; the date of that letter was October 2nd. We've heard nothing in response. May | assume that he has lost interest? As ever, Da Det Balbir 1s row The oper tes | onal Shrove hed WM re dd ton prt coer" Toc S beluwt Comd hace) Hrethre J of ant Hr ern phy on MIT pat ee) rriemvipedeā€ db. NIT paye Stowe pve RU. BS aan pret anne | Terabe Ath Nod rong nyt vd cong,