Rockefeller e\ University @ THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY grater agp < 1230 YORK AVENUE - NEW YORK, NEW YORK 16@@1 7) NOV.10 1980; eo OF THE ertswe Psyc OFFICE OF THE PRESI 7 November 1980 Mr. Edwin C. Whiteneag-——~ Chairman Whitehead Associates, Inc. 15 Valley Drive Greenwich, Connecticut 06830 Dear Jack: : I was glad to talk with you on the phone yesterday morning after our excellent exchanges with David Baltimore on the afternoon of November 5. The agenda for our session with David is attached; of course, although we covered all of these points, we did not follow a rigid sequence. Because it is difficult to disentangle and summarize honest brain- storming about alternatives, I am not going to prepare a detailed set of minutes for the meeting. Nonetheless, I think it is fair to say that we converged on agreement about many ideas concerning how to organize and operate a first-rank research institute. The main issues to be resolved concern the overall linkages between the Whitehead Institute and its "host institution." For all of us here, these isssues can be thought about in terms of two broad categories ~-general compatibility over the short and long range; and an appropriate quid pro quo. As I mentioned to you, both of these themes are important to our faculty and our trustees. Josh and I look forward to talking with you again soon. I think it May be useful to arrange for you to meet with members of our faculty at an appropriate time. We will be in touch with you about that possibili- ty. Sincerely, Koo Rodney W. Nichols Executive Vice President cc: David Baltimore Purnell Choppin ‘James Darnell oshua Lederberg ” Norton Zinder VJ