Don Kennedy [stamped, SEP 26 1980] Whitehead Institute -- personal -- The visit with you and Ken last month was certainly very productive. You should know that David Baltimore is far and away the front runner as director-apparent, and he will have a major role in further choices and discussions. My assay of site preferences at this time -- and this is subject to modulation by other aspects of a concordat -- is: [diagram] We (RU) will, I am sure, make some offer to Jack and Dave that will at least roughly match what we discussed for [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] Stanford. But the different valuation of real estate makes it hard to generate [?] a symmetrical perspective. Obviously much will hinge on what Dave can get from MIT that would match his preferences. But I think he would seriously consider alternatives if that doesn't work out. So don't let this get to be torpedoed at Stanford -- for the wrong reasons -- as happened last time. Yours, Joshua. The important goal is to be sure that 150M plus dollars does come to biomedical research, no matter where. cc: Ken Mehnon