MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CENTER FOR CANCER RESEARCH 77 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 September 19, 1980 Dr. Edwin C. Whitehead Whitehead & Associates Inc. 15 Valley Drive Greenwich, Connecticut 06830 Dear Jack, I am very excited about the prospects for W.I. and look forward to moving as rapidly as possible to settle on a site so we can begin to make it a reality. I find myself thinking about little else. I have contacted M.I.T.'s administration and, as I thought, as soon as next week's inauguration is finished, they want to meet with us. My guess is the week of October 6th but I'll be in touch about specifics. bop 3 fee eve od i are gee vt De gee tN we, | - : wv As I indicated when we spoke on Wednesday, I can get W.I. off the ground in my own laboratory by funding the work of 2 of my best junior associates. There are funds I would seek elsewhere if W.I. were not on its way, but I think it would get things moving if we —~f Started funding people as soon as possible who could later become the nucleus of W.I. ~~ + My proposal is to put $120,000 direct costs plus about $50,000 indirect costs into a program of molecular immunology that we have developed over the last 3 years. The work involves two directions: 1) understanding how antibody—forming cells develop the ability to make one and only type of antibody molecule and 2) why the response of some animals to some antigens is highly restricted while most other responses are highly variable. Both projects are going well (some papers published, more in the works) and both have young scientists firmly in command (Drs. Frederick Alt and Alfred Bothwell). To keep things going, I must provide them with a salary commensurate.with that of Assistant Professors (~$30,000/year with benefits), they must have technical assistant (~$15,000/year) and they need supply money (~$30,000). Mr. Edwin Whitehead 2 September 19, 1980 I have only a vague idea how W.I. is set up now and I do not know if it has the necessary funds for this proposal. I should soon understand a little more about such matters. Is it possible for the present W.I. structure, the Foundation which I understand is behind it, or you to provide the funds for this project? Is there anything else you would like to know about it? Sincerely, > aan se DB/mts David Baltimore