Memorandum to: File Copies to: Arthur W. Brill Dr. Gustave Nossal John Whitehead Dr. J. Lederberg Stuart Peerce Subject: Conference Call with Gus Nossal and Josh Lederberg -May.::30, 1980 Date: June 3, 1980. From: Edwin C. Whitehead lt Z The call didn't come through until 8:20 PM, and we managed to talk until 9:30. Both Gus and Josh are willing to be the acting search committee for a Director for the Institute. Josh made it clear, and Gus and I agreed, that the arrangements with Rockefeller should move forward simultaneously. As far as additional members of the search committee are concerned, they felt that we could use Ivan, but not necessarily as a member of their search committee to recruit candidates. Josh did ask about Paul Marks and I suggested to him that it would be very awkward to have Marks who it was widely known had turned down the job, on a search committee for his replacement. Josh accused me of feeling bruised. I said "bruised" was perhaps the wrong word, and I thought it was wrong, and we let it go at that. I told them that I expected Marks to be very active and helpful in recruiting candidates, and that seemed to settle the matter. In discussing candidates, Gus made the point that he felt that the person selected should be a medical scientist engaged in biomedical research, not service, and he should have a concern with clinical practice. He also felt that such a person should be on the cutting edge of modern science and probably could handle well either a program in cell differ- entiation or the neurosciences. 1" “a In spelling out the ideal candidate, however, Gus felt, and I think Josh agreed, that he should be between 40 and 45 years - of age, still working at the bench, have demonstrated a feel for clinical problems and have an interface at what Gus described as the nodes of science, or perhaps the points at which the path of direction of research should be selected. tyne or Wt dio. burden fase. Sib JUN CR Ben! edo ; be Trench a oki prnfertannt eo fo Two. Josh said he felt it was important that such a person be able to enrich the environments of Sloan-Kettering, Rocke- feller University, and Cornell. Gus and Josh then proposed various people, as follows: Y. W. Kan A gentleman by the name of Wetherall Martin Raff Paul Berg David Baltimore Bernie Patashney A gentleman by the name of Ruttle (?) A gentleman by the name of Sidman (?) Of this group, it was the feeling of Josh and Gus that four of these people were outstanding and far above the others. They were: Y. W. Kan - between 40 and 45, originally a hematologist, now a molecular biologist who recently made some funda- mental discoveries in molecular biology. Josh knows him and was very high on him as a candidate. Gus did not know him. There was some conversation as to Gus possibly visit- ing him on his way to or from Australia, as he is in San Francisco. The second candidate proposed by Gus was Martin Raff - both a neurologist and an,immunologist who has worked particularly with tumors’ the micro glia and monoclonal antibodies to these tumors. He is working at University College Hospital in London. A third candidate that came to the top of the list was David Baltimore who is obviously well known, a Nobel Prize winner in his early 40s. He unfortunately had turned down previously any interest in the Institute. However, both Gus and Josh felt that with the new location he might be interested. The fourth candidate was a Floyd Bloom who is currently at Salk Institute. Unfortunately, I don't remember what his work is. He came highly recommended by both gentlemen. We decided we would have a future meeting when Gus comes to New York on the weekend of June 14th and Gus and I will meet with Josh at 11 AM on the 16th. Three. We are keeping a date at 4 PM on the 23rd for a second meeting if that's advisable. I have a date with Lederberg together with Stu Peerce for purposes of preliminary negotiation for the Institute arrangement with Rockefeller on Thursday, June 12th, at 2 PM. ECW/pgp