| Miho, pte | Co WE I eeMay, © a 5( Rockefeller THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY e University 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 ° > “6. January 8, 1980 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. W. Gordon Whaley The Cell Research Institute The University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas 78712 Dear Gordon: I was so pleased to get your letter, and its enclo- sures, of December 19th -- which awaited me on my return from a sowing trip to San Francisco. I hope your discour- agement about Texas is not the last word; it certainly will be slow going but if California is a prototype we perhaps should not give up altogether. As soon as I have firmed up some definite dates about the Jonsson lectures I will, of course, let you know them. I was so pleased that you reminded me of the history of the Graduate Research Center of the Southwest. There was something tickling my posterior cortex and I was quite amused to be able to retrieve the enclosure from the files. I am sure you will be as well. . I was not aware of the 1962 symposium and I particular- ly appreciate your calling my attention to it. Your personal generosity to the University is just the capstone of an appreciation for it, and may I add for me, about which I am most grateful. I hope it will not be too long before I see you in Austin. Yours. sincerely, Yn Joshua Lederberg Encl.