THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN AUSTIN, TEXAS 78712 dere The Cell Research Institute April le, 1979 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Office of the President The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 Dear Joshua: It was good of you to see me the other afternoon, and as soon as I can solve some of my local problems I will progress to something like the pattern we outlined briefly. My own course I do not wish personally to comment on. As you know, I started out in the middle of Mendelian genetics and then sidetracked into an attempt to demonstrate differences in gene action at the ultrastructure level. Not surprisingly, I have come full circle and I am now back, as I told you, trying to deal with some specific aspects of factors beyond the DNA-protein sequence that control genetic expression, especially at the surface membrane of the cell. This involves an interpretation of some developments in the Golgi apparatus which has been a much confused, rarely adequately interpreted component of the cell, but which (and I believe we have more than ample proof) plays a critical modulating role between the DNA and the structure of glycoproteins and gangliosides which act as both specific and general determinants on the cell surface. Incidentally, the paper I told you I had sent you went out of here a long time ago. So you must either have it or the United States Postal Service is living up to its usual reputation. I shall, of course, keep in contact and try my best to support you and my other colleagues at Rockefeller. But the time between our first meeting and the present has been very long and I feel badly pressed to get my particular white horse to the finish line or prove to myself that I cannot and give up somewheres along. With my high regard and very best wishes, Cordially yours, rdon Whaley |