(IPM Ey) 7: ir. ebay, © . 5[ Rockefeller THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY a University /< 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 2 Y 335+ December 11, 1978 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Professor W. Gordon Whaley 313 East 35th Street Austin, Texas 78705 Dear Gordon: Coming back to New York, and rediscovering my old friends like yourself, is also a way that I can recap~ ture my origins and my youth. I have never had a chance to express my appreciation for what you did offer to me as a teacher many years ago; and now again I have the pleasure of acknowledging your very kind and thought- ful gift to the University which accompanied your letter of November 29th. Your letter also brought up a number of other matters, some of which I think we should defer for personal conver- sation; and some of which I will reply to more fully, when I have a few minutes after the trip I am about to leave on for a couple of weeks. I would not be at all surprised if heterosaccharides do feed back to the control of gene expression; and of course in situations where their own synthesis must be regulated some such process is a logical necessity. When the papers you mentioned arrive I will certainly give them close attention. Meantime, I hope you have also been following the work of our colleague here, Dr. Gunter Blobel. I will also arrange for you to get those copies of the excerpts from my inaugural address. I wonder if you have run into David Mumford who might be one of the Texas people you were hinting at in your letter. Certainly he was most helpful to me a number of years ago while I was at Stanford and I have been looking for some chance to connect with him again. . Professor W. Gordon Whaley December ll, 1978 -2- In a few weeks I will finish what I should have included in this letter. Meanwhile, my best wishes. Yo Sincerely, Shua Lederberg