Oo THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY tr Zz 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 5[ Rockefeller e\ Univers ity c* February 21, 1979 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. P. O. Williams, M.B., F.R.C.P. Director and Secretary The Wellcome Trust 1 Park Square West London, NWl 4LJ England Dear Dr. Williams: _ This is to follow-up on our lunch conversation during your brief visit here last November, when you indicated The Wellcome Trust's possible interest in supporting a fellowship program in which British and possibly other Western European nationals would receive advanced postdoctoral training, with particular empha- sis on fields related to parasitology, at The Rockefeller - University. , As you know, The Rockefeller University has been a pioneer in applying the basic sciences to problems of biology and medicine, and has set standards of excellence for postdoctoral training in the biomedical sciences. In parasitology, several laboratories ate currently investing their energies in research of such tropical diseases as Malaria, trypanosomiasis and leishmaniasis, among others. After giving the proposition of a Wellcome-sponsored Fellowship Program further thought, and discussing it with a number of my colleagues, we would like to propose start- ing with two or three young scholars entering the: program each year, with a view to obtaining postdoctoral training in the areas of their choice, usually for a period of two years. To have the desired impact, the program should operate for at least five years. We envision that The Wellcome Trust would advertise the availability of the fellowships in Britain (and Europe). Initial review of the applications would be by a scientific advisory body, the composition of which can Dr. P. O. Williams, M.B., F.R.C.P. February 21, 1979 -~-2- be determined by mutual agreement. The final decision as to admittance to the program would rest with the laboratory head here under whose tutelage the fellow wishes to be trained. We believe the optimum timing for such advanced training would be after a Ph.D. or M.D. has done one or two years, but no more than four years, of post- graduate work at another institution, in either basic biology or parasitology, and whose career goals have clearly been identified to lie in the area of endemic tropical diseases. The University would bring Wellcome Fellows to the United States under the auspices of its Exchange Visi- tors (J Visa) Program. Suitable housing, for the dura- tion of the training period, would be made available to the fellow (and family). Fellows (and their families) could be enrolled in the University's health insurance plans. The University would be responsible for the dis- bursement of the fellowship stipend and other adminis- trative details. A sample budget, setting the 1979 stipend at $17,500, which we believe is sufficiently high to attract the kind of person we are seeking, is attached. The two items on the budget which will be determined individually are a dependence allowance for children, and a travel allowance based on actual costs. Also enclosed is a copy of the University's last Annual Report. As you peruse it, I would like to draw particular attention to the work being carried on in the laboratories of: Biochemical Cytology, under the direc- tion of Christian de Duve; Cellular Physiology and Im- munology, under the direction of Zanvil A. Cohn and James G. Hirsch; Medical Biochemistry, under the direction of Anthony Cerami; and Parasitology, under the direction of William Trager. Many other laboratories, such as those in the fields of cell biology, genetics and immunology, as well as some of the clinically oriented ones, would welcome trainees with a primary interest in parasitology. For example, we are recruiting a young assistant professor who has already made important contributions to the molecu-~ lar genetics of a free-living nematode. And I want to stress Dr. P. O. Williams, M.B., F.R.C.P. February 21, 1979 -~3- that we are searching energetically for a world~renowned figure to succeed Professor Trager after his retirement. We are also initiating a number of programs in col- laboration with the neighboring institutions (Cornell University Medical College and Sloan-Kettering). We look forward to The Wellcome Trust's reactions to this proposal, and my associates and I would be pleased to give you additional details on any aspect of it. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Encl. Lee, _ kb _ 7S. — OTL — dey, SRY,