y THE WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE REHOVOT: ISRAEL stot wae YO Sxaw? - nisin eet OE LE NO NN sey CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS eee pT TT YT aur at - eo won mo ~ NN ' Lord Sieff of Brimpton 3... Please reply to S Cae _e : Michael House, a b Baker Street, LONDON, WIA 1DN. ENGLAND. Se _— Nine ne, tenet nae 27th June 1980. Dene Prin betta, Rules and regulations being what they are, I have been asked to call your attention to the clause in the Institute's new Articles of Association, which instructs me, at this time of the year, to ask you formally whether you wish to stand for re-election as a member of our Board of Governors. Having done the formal part, I take the liberty of adding informally, that I much hope your answer will be 'yes'. The Board needs people like yourself - who contribute to and stimulate the people and activities of the Institute. I look forward to hearing from you. Kw TO Wick i [eavargr as Professor J. Lederbert, Dept. of Biochemistry, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94305, U.S.A. CABLE ADDRESS: WEIZINST (israel) :p°po1m> jynm TELEX: 31934 :Dp>o PHONE: 951724 :])DoD