wuMaa, ° - 5/Rockefeller’ THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY . University /< 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 > a April 13, 1979 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. Kenneth S. Warren Director, Health Sciences The Rockefeller Foundation 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York 10036 Dear Dr. Warren: This is to follow up our conversation on the possi- bility of emulating Case Western Reserve in providing the New England Journal of Medicine: in this case to our graduate students. While about 25 of our hundred and odd Ph.D. candidates are also connected with the M.D. program through our collaboration with Cornell, the great majority of our students focus rather sharply on particular subjects of biological investigation. We do not have any formal programs that would help to insure that they become familiar with contemporary medical problems and research opportunities. I have in mind a number of measures to try to broaden their outlook; but the idea of a personal sub- scription to the New England Journal of Medicine indeed appeals to me as a very cost effective supplement to their self-education. . The University would be pleased indeed to offer the possibility of a subsidized subscription to each of our graduate students who elected to receive it. Assuming that about 75 of our students would elect under these circum- stances, and that an annual subscription could be negotiated for about $20, the program costs would run $1500 per year. A grant from the Foundation for this purpose, to get the tradition started for two or three years, would be most helpful. The fact that the funding was indeed motivated by the donor's specific purpose of stimulating clinical in- terests would forfend potential criticisms or claims that we should also be providing subscriptions to every other journal that matched the already specialized interest of the applicant. Dr. Kenneth S. Warren April 13, 1979 - 2- The requested funds would be segregated and used solely for these subscriptions and of course their utilization would be reported accordingly to the Founda- tion. I would be happy to be able to announce this venture over the summer and to have the subscriptions begin either September 1 or January 1, 1980 depending on the circulation practices of the Journal. I would be interested to receive, what you told me about, the evaluation of a similar experiment at Case Western Reserve; and would be prepared to attempt a follow up that might give us similar information for this rather distinctive target group. Yours sincerely, ue — Jeshua Lederberg v cc: Mr. Rodney W. Nichols Dean James Hirsch