wekay, O , 5[ Rockefeller THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY . University < 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 “ a April 13, 1979 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. Kenneth S. Warren Director, Health Sciences The Rockefeller Foundation 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York 10036 Dear Kens: I really did enjoy what was a most fruitful visit to Woods Hole: not only because of the very positive steps towards the organization of the laboratory course in parasitism but the good chance it offered for us to exchange ideas on many other important questions. Thank you particularly for the material you had copied out on the status of parasitology in this country. This will be of particular help to us as we get moving On our search for a successor to Professor Trager. Enclosed are a few items connected with our conver- sation: 1. The title page and ordering,information on the Journal "Scientometrics". 2. A note about our current study for a consortial library resource. It had occurred to us that it might be most useful and interesting to try to convene a conference oriented on the implications for planning, here and now, of the emerging technologies. 3. Just a note that I am writing to Roberta Miller at the SSRC to be sure that she makes contact with you and arranges this same with Diana Crane. a 4. Enclosed is also another more formal letter to try to implement the idea we discussed of distributing the New England Journal of Medicine. (* fobe seul after 9 cvetTung Herpes). YF Dr. Kenneth S. Warren April 13, 1979 -2- 5. Is something that I just saw in Current Comments that you might wish to notice, and particularly to pass on to John Bruer, in connection with the ethics of scien- tific publication. I have seen very little indeed actu- ally written on this subject: I think that John would find it profitable to talk to Harriet Zuckerman at Columbia about this matter. If I am not mistaken Beveridge's for- midable book on scientific investigation does say something about this (as does E.B. Wilson -- enclosed). You Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg nek, /, Chen Le ee litre JbL FS. lateikhe Lyn 4. bd hues)