oO . 5[Rockefeller\ THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY a University /< 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 > <> December 11, 1978 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. Robert Michels Psychiatrist-in-Chief The New York Hospital-Cornell University Medical Center 525 East 68th Street New York, New York 10021 Dear Bob: I am really very sorry at the combination of cir- cumstances, and especially my orthopedic disability, having interfered with the joint effort that we ini- tiated with such good intentions. I hope that at least we might have recovered some ground with our brief discussion with Dick Wyatt. Do you have any reactions to the list that he left with us? re-start as soon after the New Year as possible. If, in my absence (during the next three weeks) you care to make appointments consistent with my calendar -- for example with Sol Snyder -- please just call my secretary and arrange it directly with her. Procedurally I hope that we can make a vigorous A Thinking of Snyder I feel that the first criterion is to get together an excellent research program that could combine the resources and assets of our two in- stitutions; it is a secondary consideration although a useful one to bring in the R.U. Hospital and a clini- cal research emphasis. Anyhow, I think that I can assure you of unflagging interest and a renewed capability to take up where we left off. I hope to see you again shortly after New Year's -- and for the same with my best wishes, Yours Sincerely, . Jo a Lederberg FALQK