wee mR wa VSmAnew7B JL t4ssdsePST,1163 7000000000003 Date! 13 Aor 1978 1143=PST ~ Front Smith ' Suh | Subject; RU New UL Tos Tederbera TT ce? smith £ I spoke with kKapoas ashort time ago and have tentatively arranged to try to neet with Rim on the weekend of the 22/23 April (oreferred) or the 25th, He seemed a hit svrnrised that I had net made up my mind to as te Rockefeller, Just so that noone misunderstands my goals and motives, I an going to the E, coast with my wife at the invitation of an industrial firn which might very well make me an attractive offer, I am still muddling around weighing the advantages and disadvantages of industrial VS, academic life, amother significant barrier is convincing myself and the rest of my fanily that living an the E coast {s tolerable, Cne of my goals is to exniore living canditions in the area of IFF Cand NY City) and also in Rochester, I auite homestly canmot predict or even assign Tikithoods to possible decisions at this point, There are Just too many umcertaim factors, bath orotessianaliy and personally at this moment to say what will hanpen, I dor however, intend to exnloit theosportunity to meet with Kapnas, and continue from there, . L3-4ere 78 152232 38=PST, L367; 0090000000001 Date! 13 Amr 1978 1523=€PST Fromt Smith Subjects Letters for Dlerassi