cGOLLEGE OF On Baylor College of Medicine DEPARTMENT OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY « 713 521-3233 : . goi3s3e *BAVL, 2nd October, 1979 Br. Joshua Lederberg President Rockefeller University 1230 York Ave. New York, N.Y. 10021 Dear Joshua: Just a brief, but belated note following your triumphal march through Houston. The benign afterquakes of your visit continue to be very positive. As you know, there are now several “individuals of substance"who have indicated that they would very much like to visit the Rockefeller University on their next trip to New York. I know that Mr. Garvey will facilitate their visits. Everyone was very impressed with the Rockefeller traveling roadshow! I hope your Dallas segment was as re- warding in terms of goodwill, and hopefully potential fiscal support, as I believe the Houston portion was. I would also like to thank you for your very kind personal remarks and comments on behalf of the Center. It is begin- ning to look as though I may finally have a little more time to work on the goals and aspirations of the Center, so your interest was not only gracious but timely. Indeed, I may recontact you at some later date with some additional thoughts which may be of interest and/or benefit to you. I wish we could send along some of-our currently very balmy and beautiful weather. I understand New York has had some prematurely cold spells this year. After exposing you to our monsoons, the least we could do is send you some delightful southwestern zephyrs. Have a lovely and productive autumn. With warm regards, and av David M. Mumford, DMM/df a Fl-ptaln tid pd RI TEXAS MEDICAL CENTER * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77030